Saturday, November 04, 2006

04 Nov daily celebrations: the things i think about

new thoughts generated

wisdom = knowledge + experience (through application)
*poly perfect formula to survive in the real world!

everyday, i dwell in the deep recesses of my MIND and SPIRIT, THOUGHTS which will HELP me:

  1. to become a more ENLIGHTENED HUMAN BEING everyday.
  2. how do i become a more LOVING and GIFTED person? how do i make better use of them?

Thus, everyday i ask myself as God's TRADER,

how do i MAXIMISE the VALUE i get in return for investing my time and money in my current activities? what can i learn from every single activity to grow as a human being?

as a physical being, i'm only limited to a ONE, if not a few, ACTION at any one TIME. thus, time is used up / being traded while i'm engaged in any action.

thus, for this action which I am doing now:

  1. am i doing what i really love (e.g. exploration of possible interests is the beauty of schools!)? why am i doing this?
  2. is this activity helping me grow in spirit and wisdom (which lasts for a lonngg time) or simply a physically pleasurable activity (which is short-lived)? do i learn at least one good thing from it or is it simply useless (e.g. consistent masturbation through pornography)?
  3. am i doing it right? my way, my strategy?
for if you answer the above questions right, you are on your way to success in love and life!


a GREAT GPA score is an EXCITING INDICATOR and AFFIRMATION that i'm on my way doing what i TRULY LOVE to do: LEARNING about a subject i love. an accomplishment that says: "great! you're doing what you love and you are doing it right! keep it up and improve on it!"

please, in a helpful manner, its not an end in itself (e.g. a good job or resume). it is only an indicator or affirmation. Like a thermometer, it tells us of our love level for what we are learning and whether we are doing it right.

interested in finding out how love can work for you in your life, but science can't give you any answer?

join a religion. (recognised ones please, not satanism). for love cannot be affirmed by science alone and religions are in fact the ones who stand by it through time.


definition of a good presentation / persuasion / conversation:

sharing what you KNOW. your experiences, beliefs, values, knowledge, wisdom.

definition of a lousy, made-up, "i wanna make a good impression but i dunno whatta hell i'm talking about" presentaion / persuasion / conversation/ impression:

sharing what you DON"T REALLY KNOW. things you don't love or can't look at it from that p.o.v.


why i hardly join CCAs

towards the end of my poly education and in SMU, i hardly join CCAs.

to me, CCAs are a way of exploration of what you really love. a discovery of new interests.

guess what? i've found my passion! passsssiiiionnnn.....

  1. public speaking / motivating / teaching / sharing
  2. building businesses!
  3. stock market!
  4. jogging!
  5. gym gym gym!
  6. eating!
  7. cooking!
  8. sailing (haven't done it yet but mmm mmm !)!
  9. learning and thinking!
  10. so many more!!!!
anyway, i found much of it in the real world, not in my schools... no difference in passion level, but just a different way of exploration.

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