Sunday, November 05, 2006


i remember, i first heard about the phrase, "indomitable spirit", when i was learning tae-kwon-do, P6 in primary school.

of cos, not bothering to look up words i didn't know, i had no idea what it meant.

only later in secondary school, now reinforced, i understood it as having a strong spirit to overcome life's challenges.

and as a catholic, i understand it as the ultimate faith.

faith, spirit, the will to change the world and protect and save the people around you, all come from: LOVE.

you can't measure these, you can't give a grade to them and you certainly can't tell by looking at a person, for they are from his/her heart.

and of cos, it can't be scientifically broken down. haha. not for the next 1000 years.

People say NARUTO is just a cartoon character?

tell them, they're right, he isn't real, but he possesses a spirit most men do not have. the spirit to overcome all crap and underestimation that the environment and people throw at them.

a spirit which a group of people recognises because of their openess, their yearning to reach the ideal, that most men lose when they grow up.

who is this group of people?

kids, children.

everyday, i learn so much from NARUTO.

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