Death is the absence of Life.
Fear is the absence of Love.
Pain is the absence of Pleasure.
where there is a hole created by the absence of God, there should exist nothing. instead, Man has made himself another god to worship: the God of Fear. masses of men, instead of asking their own hearts about the things they truly want to do to help change the world to a better place, has copied each other for Fear they'll not survive. the God of Fear was thus created to own the hearts of men seeking money and labels for its own materialistic worth.
instead of working for the God of Love, men amany has chased after the God of Fear in Fear that he will lose what little securities he has.
no two gods shall exist. "you shall only worship the Lord your God". and you MUST serve one of them. for the Gods exist to motivate us in our EVERY ACTION.
Lenz serves only the one true God, the God of Love. Who do your serve?
q: What in the world is Lenz talking about?
a: everyday i enter the MRT train, i look into the sad faces of my people and they tell me, they're mostly going to work, not because they love what they're doing, but because of the money. instead of working for their passions, they work for the existence of money in their life. love is not their motivation, money is. once the money the is gone, so are their hearts.
when i enter SMU, all i see are students slaving for the A+. why are they studying what they are studying? what are they presenting? do they truly understand the purpose of the subjects aside from adding shine to their resumes? all i see are students who live and study in Fear that they'll fall from the grace of the A grade, not from the Passion of learning.
refer to BLURT! Nov '06 cover article.
these two groups of people, everyday, worshiping the God of Fear. how blind their spirits have been to the beauty of unconditional Love. of the beautiful commandment that we should love our neighbours as ourselves. they live in their own model of the world, ignorant of what is out there, to touch their spirits and what needs them.
the god of Fear should have never existed, but in living in the absence of Love and in Fear instead, insecured people look upon each other and follow amongst themselves, dedicating their lives in the name of FEAR and making themselves a God; of Fear.
where EMOTIONS exist, the God of Fear will attempt to rob the hearts of men from the God of Love, through the temptation of the threat of the absence of money, good grades and other man-made devices. for man lives on every word that comes from God, and fellow man who preach in the name of spiritual Love.
the minions of the God of Fear include the 7 sins. the warriors of the the God of Love include the 7 virtues together with the Spirit of Courage.
which god do you serve: the God of Love or the God of Fear?
truly, which servant of the God of Fear will be able to answer, from the bottom of their hearts:
what will I continue to do even if I had $50 billion?
will i still continue to study even if I already had GPA 4.0 every term?
for Lenz, and the minor group of servants of the God of Love can easily answer them.